Three-layer Triplex pipes
Three-layer silent flexible sewage pipes and connections
Üçqatlı triplex boruları
METAK istehsalı olan nisbətən səssiz Triplex borular adi borulardan fərqli olaraq üç qatdan ibarətdir. Polipropilen təbəqələrin arasında yerləşən xüsusi daxili qat nisbətən səssizliyi təmin edir ki, bu da çoxmərtəbəli yaşayış binaları üçün mükəmməl həlldir.
Triplex borular yüksək dayanıqlığa malikdir və asanlıqla montaj olunur. Çirkab sular üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş nisbətən səssiz borular DIN 4102 və DIN 4109 yanma həddi standartlarına uyğundur.

Key advantages
- Precision-made according to standards and easy to install
- Equipped with a special O-ring to prevent leakage during installation
- Made of lightweight polypropylene
- Extremely easy to install and do not require Tangit™-type sealants
- Double seals and high quality material provide leak tightness 800% greater than standard requirements for this type of pipes
- Do not generate toxic gases
- Made of polypropylene material that deforms at high temperatures
- Retain thickness for many years due to high resistance to chemicals
- Elastic structure of pipes ensures their resistance to low temperatures better than that of PVC products.
To avoid problems during installation, we recommend the following guidelines
- — use clamps to prevent elongation and expansion of pipes
- — as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, the clamps should be mounted on both sides of fittings. Distance between the clamps should not exceed 30 cm
- — make allowance for seasonal requirements when installing the pipes on exterior surfaces. E.g., pipes installed in winter may expand in summer. So during installations in winter season, it is necessary to leave a 1 cm gap in the connection areas of pipes to compensate for the expansion observed in summer season
- — make sure that pipes and fittings do not touch the concrete wall when installing in areas between walls and floors
- — provide sufficient room around the installed piping system for easy planned inspections, as well as repair and recovery operations
- — after the installation of pipes and fittings use a clean rag to remove dust, sand and moisture accumulated on top of couplings and intermediate layers

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