Transportation and storage of polypropylene pipes
Pipes should be stored indoors on suitable shelves or in a closed form. The height of the pipe stack should not exceed 2 meters. Pipes should be protected from piercing blows to preserve their chemical and physical properties.
Warehouses for storage of polypropylene pipes and fittings shall be equipped with fire-fighting equipment. It is strictly prohibited to make fire, conduct electric or gas welding, or store flammable liquids in or near such storage areas.

- Protect pipes from direct sunlight and mechanical damage.
- Do not use cracked, damaged or deformed pipes.
- Use only clean pipes and fittings.
- To avoid deformation, ensure that there is no freezing water inside pipes and fittings.
- To avoid deformation in sub-zero temperatures, ensure careful transportation of pipes.
- Ensure that your pipes are frost-proofed.
- After installation of the pipeline, check the tightness by pressure testing.